The second part of the title of this post is a pun really - because to me, it's almost ludicrous to think that a blog ever could be "full disclosure" in the truest sense of the word. This past week.. well, I hate the word busy as applied to a person's life - isn't busy something to do with lots of colours? - but to be a bit of a hypocrite, it's definitely been busy. In the colour sense maybe, in the literal sense, definitely.
This weekend I am doing nothing. I wrote on Friday into my diary for the weekend "hill time" but then learned that actually hill time can just be lying in the garden with part of a Murakami book and the cat empire playing in your ears.
For a while now I've been meaning to sort through my thousands of pictures from India. It is something that I'm glad it's taken me this long to do. Maybe because India finished abruptly with an illness, I'm not exactly sure. I do know that of C and me, I have the majority of pictures ..and I know she'll remember looking through them too. Not ones of the taj mahal (although it is beautiful) .. not ones of being on a camel (although it is nice) ... but ones like these. So in a way, this post's for her: my maharani. All these pictures are taken in Pushkar.. the place we stayed for a week rather than continue on through. Was it because we were so thankful that rickshaws couldn't make it over the hill? Quite possibly ..
1. View from the walk into town (that one day we had to walk back yelling because it was a bit late and the dogs were out...)
2. The crazy pigments/paints. Especially in Pushkar, it seemed every tourist operator offered pigments to sell..
3. Man reading the paper in the sun, Pushkar's 'main' street.
4. Train to Ajmer, view out the window. It was damp and cold.
5. Chittogarh station. A half an hour stop on the way from Udaipur to Ajmer. On reflection I think that I sometimes take photos to have something to do.
6. We are freezing cold, and I am reading a poem. I'm glad I took this picture because I don't have that book anymore.
7. Pushkar hotel balcony.
I haven't cooked in at least a week - can you tell? Next time... it'll be a recipe. I promise.
title from grizzly bear - fine for now