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April 26, 2014

apple pie where my body's made of lead | april already?!

carey's bay dinner (fish burgers from the port fish supply) view, late March 2014

I did not plan on a hiatus - and nor do I apologise for it. Sometimes real life demands attention and for me, blogging is an indulgence I allow myself. It's also a funny thing, blogging; writing things and not really being sure of who reads and who doesn't; and I'm pretty much anti-labelling anything about myself to the point of absurdity..

What I'm trying to say is that things at Maitland are trucking along well. We've had visitors; people have moved in and out from below and above... My supervisor casually said a while ago "you know Maitland St sometimes sounds like a soap opera." and I grew up with Coronation St loving parents (ey Dad!) so I understood the comparison.

I'm thankful now for colder weather, slower songs, and being gentle on myself. Hope you're well, wherever you're reading this from.

title from apple pie bed - lawrence arabia


  1. Yay for indulgence! I was casually scrolling through my daily bloglovin' email on my phone, saw your post & had to jump on my laptop to do the reading justice :) Glad to have you back, for the record - I read ;) Much love from Aus - Audrey xox

  2. I totally get this, I'm thinking of taking a blog break myself. I think you just do what you need to do x

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Woohoo, welcome back lovely one. By the way thank you for buying up big time, can't wait for you to be showered in lovely items made by me (the love filled package will make its journey to you today). xxx j

    1. my letterbox anticipates its arrival! :) xx
