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January 4, 2013

i don't know what is real | summer; unbelievably so

Some summers you can't help but think: I am so lucky. This is one such summer. As I write, I am sipping a ginger beer and looking at clean waves break on the beach beneath the norfolk pine. My family are swimming a bit further down the beach and I am enjoying some solitude. Since I last posted here, so much has happened and I'm looking forward to sharing bits and pieces with you. For now, I'll toast you all a happy new year with my ginger beer and hope that wherever you are, you're enjoying time with your loved ones .. 

1. Waihi Beach, 4.01.2013. This is a significant date and the sky was absolutely beautiful as I walked the beach alone at sunset.
2. Paihia, 01.01.2013, around 5am. Dawn on the first day of 2013: I shared a New Year holiday with an incredible group of people, some I've known for a long time, some I'd just met. We stayed up until the sun drifted up across the hills and went to bed at 7am after spending close to an hour scrubbing silly string off the wooden floor to The National.. special times. 
3. Long Beach, Russell, 31.12.2012. The last day of 2012 was spent in the first capital of New Zealand. We walked up and over the hill to this beautiful beach, where the water was blue and clear.


title from simon & garfunkel - flowers never bend with the rainfall


  1. I'm transported by that 2nd photograph particularly. That says optimism to me...I understand that lucky feeling you talk about. And how good a ginger beer can be :) x

  2. Oh, these photos are lovely. Your new year celebrations sound wonderful.

    Happy new year to you. Gillian x

  3. Nothing like some alone time & an cool ginger beer - blissful! Enjoy the rest of summer...much love xox

  4. so beautiful, i love all the blue tones. oh, and ginger beer, of course :)

  5. You and your beautiful words! And these photos... sigh! Loving watching summer through your eyes xx

  6. Beautiful. You managed to stay up about 10 hours later than I did on New Years Eve! Looking forward to seeing your beautiful country one of these days. x

  7. oh my gosh it's beautiful! Very cold and rainy here in Seattle. Wish I had a beach and a ginger beer!
